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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Yelled at by the Conductor

This morning on the way in I find a three seater with only one person in it. Naturally, I sit on the end seat on the aisle so I'm not sitting on top of a stranger for no reason. A few stops towards North Station and the conductor comes into the car and stops right next to me and screams "If you are in a three seater, put your bag in the over head compartment and slide in to the middle seat!" No one moves. The train is still moving. Unless we are at a stop and people aren't actively trying to sit down, why are we going to slide in and be on top of a stranger? The conductor glares at me and repeats himself. "If you are in a three seater, put your bag in the over head compartment and slide in to the middle seat!"

I slide in but I wasn't about to put my Tumi in an over head rack. Hell no!! That stayed on my knees. If it's on my lap and not in anyones way, they can't say "Boo". After I slide in to the middle seat, a few people stand up and throw their bags up on the over head rack and sit down in the middle seat. The conductor on a power trip finally leaves us alone. He wasn't even the conductor for our car. He was from the car ahead of us. 

We ride uncomfortably close to the person next to us for no reason for a few minutes before stopping. When the people from the stop pile on, many sit but many stand. The second someone sat down next to me, I didn't feel like such a weirdo up in the middle and since many stood, a lot of people were able to move back out to their aisle seat. That conductor needs to chill!

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